Facing down his adversary, Iron Man primes his gauntlet’s repulsor node to discharge a warning shot. Based on Marvel Comics’ Extremis storyline, illustrator Alan Quah...
A mutant with animal-like senses and a remarkable ability to heal, fearlessness and savagery are as natural to Wolverine as to his animal namesake, enhanced...
An insidious alter ego lurks inside Jean Grey. A mild-mannered mutant, gifted with the powers of telepathy and telekinesis, Jean’s story of love, bravery, adventure...
Revelling in the omnipotence bestowed by the six Infinity Gems set in his gauntlet, Thanos harnesses their combined power to annihilate half the life in...
Iron Man and Ultron; a human life form, encased in protective metal armour, battles a sentient humanoid metal robot, intent on the extermination of human...
Steve Rogers’ stance on a superhero’s right to independence has put him at loggerheads not only with Tony Stark and SHIELD, but with world governments...
Spider-Sense tingling, the stealthy webslinger clings precariously to a New York City tenement. Illustrator Alan Quah and sculptor Mufizal Mokhtar capture Spider-Man’s taut sinewy form...
Loosely based on the Dark Origin story arc, an enraged Venom claws impatiently at concrete as he stares down his nemesis Spider-man. The intimidating villain,...
Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby’s 1962 cover art for Amazing Fantasy #15 provides the background for Alan Quah and Mufizal Mokhtar’s thrilling interpretation, bringing the...
In 1962, Amazing Fantasy #15 introduces Spider-Man, one of Marvel’s most popular characters, to the public for the first time, with Steve Ditko and Jack...
Following the success of Superman Action Comics #1, this is the third design in our new format of limited-edition collectibles. Using the format of having comic heroes...
Following the success of Superman Action Comics #1, this is the third design in our new format of limited-edition collectibles. Using the format of having comic heroes...
Following the success of Superman Action Comics #1, this is the third design in our new format of limited-edition collectibles. Using the format of having comic heroes...
Barely surviving an encounter with Ultimo, his armor heavily damaged, Tony Stark hunkers down into an iconic Iron Man pose, determined to defeat the robotic...
2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron’s tantalising reveal of Earth’s mightiest heroes battling the sentient android and his robot swarm, all carved in marble, is arguably...
The 1964 cover art for The Avengers #4 by Jack Kirby and Paul Reinman announces Captain America’s return in action-packed style, marking his first appearance...
Piotr Nikolayevich Rasputin’s manifestation as the metallic Colossus transforms this gentle giant of a mutant, already physically imposing in his natural state, into the strongest...
The Wolverine debuts, leaping out of nowhere to gatecrash a confrontation between the Hulk and the cursed Wendigo. With the creature apparently dispatched by Adamantium...
Wolverine The Incredible Hulk Volume 1 #181 - Gold
R 15,999.90
Acclaimed by historians as the ‘Action Comics #1 of the Bronze era’, and widely considered by collectors to be one of the most legendary first-appearance...
Jack Kirby and Bill Everett’s sensational cover introduces Daredevil to the world in 1964. The same accident that blinded Matt Murdock has also enhanced his...
Although radioactive waste robs him of his sight in a freak accident, Matt Murdock soon realises the same tragedy has heightened his remaining senses. Disguised...
Size: H22.5cm including base x 17.5cm x 21.5cm A limited edition of 200 individually numbered pieces worldwide.1962’s Journey Into Mystery Volume 1 #85 marks God of...
Size: H22.5cm including base x 17.5cm x 21.5cm A limited edition of 800 individually numbered pieces worldwide.Trickster god Loki cleverly frees himself from imprisonment on Asgard...